Erjia Cui

Assistant Professor
Division of Biostatistics & Health Data Science
What work will you undertake at SPH?
My main area of focus will be conducting research in statistical methods and their applications, with a particular emphasis on functional data analysis, wearable technology, biomedical imaging, and complex, high-dimensional data. I will actively collaborate with fellow investigators within SPH and across the University to identify, refine, or invent statistical methods to answer significant scientific questions.
Who inspires you?
Professionally, my greatest source of inspiration are my PhD advisors and mentors. On a personal level, my mother is a constant source of inspiration. She has always encouraged me to pursue my dreams, overcome obstacles, and meet life’s challenges with a positive attitude.
Trân Huỳnh

Associate Professor
Division of Environmental Health Sciences
What are your research interests?
My research interests lie at the intersection of community-based participatory research and worker health. At SPH, I would like to collaborate with colleagues and community members on research around improving working conditions for immigrants and other vulnerable populations.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I enjoy hiking, Japanese flower arrangement, meditation, and reading.

Paige Nong
Assistant Professor
Division of Health Policy & Management
What work will you focus on at SPH?
I study the health information technology ecosystem to better understand how technologies can improve care, reflect patient interests, and counteract structural inequities. At SPH, I will be conducting mixed methods analysis of patient trust, health system governance, and health technology policy. I am excited to build collaborations with new colleagues and get to know the students at SPH.
What are you reading right now?
I am currently reading Meredith Broussard’s new book “More than a Glitch: Confronting Race, Gender, and Ability Bias in Tech.”

Caitlin Ward
Assistant Professor
Division of Biostatistics & Health Data Science
What will your work focus on at SPH
I’m interested in developing Bayesian methods in settings of complex or correlated data. Applications of this work include infectious disease modeling, spatial analysis of cancer cell imaging data, and disease mapping. Currently, I’m working on methods for modeling dynamic behavioral change during the COVID-19 pandemic.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I enjoy spending time with my family, baking, and both playing and watching volleyball.

Andrew Fenelon
Associate Professor
Division of Epidemiology & Community Health
What are your research interests?
I am interested in the social and policy determinants of population health in the United States. Specifically, my work focuses on how housing policies can be used to reduce health disparities by socioeconomic status and race/ ethnicity across the life course. My work is heavily interdisciplinary and engages with scholarship across fields in public health and the social sciences.
What are you reading right now?
I am currently reading “Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States” by Kenneth Jackson and an Italian cocktail cookbook.

JP Leider
Associate Professor
Division of Health Policy & Management
What are your research interests?
My primary research interests are in the financing and functioning of public health systems. I work with colleagues in the Center for Public Health Systems to serve governmental public health across Minnesota and the U.S., and to forward systems research in the field.
What are you reading right now?
I recently finished “The Wise Man’s Fear” by Patrick Rothfuss, and am never very far from restarting a Douglas Adams book. He is like slipping into a very weird, very comfortable pair of slippers.

J. Sunil Rao
Division of Biostatistics & Health Data Science
What are your research interests?
I work on developing statistical methods for modeling complex data. I am interested particularly in things like predictive machine learning, small area estimation, and health disparities. My areas of application are primarily in cancer research with a focus on gastrointestinal and lung cancer. I am also the director of biostatistics at the Masonic Cancer Center.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
It will take you at least 10 years post-graduation to develop true intuition. You must be patient.

Xiao Zang
Assistant Professor
Division of Health Policy & Management
What are your research and teaching interests?
My research interests include evaluating the economic, epidemiological, and health equity impacts of public health policies and interventions using simulation modeling, and quasi-experimental and other quantitative methods. My current research work focuses on the prevention and treatment of opioid overdose, HIV, and other infectious diseases. My teaching interests include health decision sciences and health economic evaluations.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I am a big fan of movies of all kinds and traveling because they allow me to experience many different lives.